Tuesday, 10 July 2012

Making memories last: easy brag books

This summer, I have had time to work on some projects that I've been meaning to get to but was too busy over the hockey season.

In February, I made my first "brag-book" scrapbook for my boyfriend for Valentine's Day, to put in some photos of us. (We're both photographers ... we take a LOT of photos.) I had so much fun working on it, that I decided to whip up a couple more.

I have recently been experimenting with different techniques and colour palattes I probably wouldn't work with for my own projects, and I'm hoping to have a  few put together for a craft sale my mom and her friends put on every November for Christmas.

It's super easy, basically all you do is get a cardboard book (They're $1.50 at Michael's and come in different shapes. I have been using rectangle with scalloped edges, but they have other shapes depending on the season, I have a few that I haven't used yet that are star, and one is Christmas tree.) ... once you have your book, you cover the pages with a background paper, and put on whatever embellishments you like, put the little metal ring in the hole, and tie ribbon around it and voila, a little album.

Here are some that I have been working on:

This is the photo book I made for my boyfriend.

The music note is a pocket, and inside are a heart, a ticket and a square with music-note paper on it that can be used for either attaching photos or writing little notes on. I have also seen people tuck little items in there, like movie theatre ticket stubs or stuff like that.

I made this for my girlfriend for her birthday to put photos of her cat, whom she had to leave behind with her family when she moved away for a summer job.

Most of the book I did in orange, neutrals and pale blue, but I had this hot pink paper and those cute little medallions I just had to do one crazy page.

This is the first one I made that wasn't for a specific person or occasion -- I just made it randomly because I had coordinating embellishments and wanted to try a new colour scheme.

Pages said things like "family" and "Happy Birthday" (Pictured here) The red circle is a pocket with tags inside of it as well.

This is my latest, a spring-theme album with a page kit I got at Michael's. I wasn't a huge fan of the colours, nor do I use the "distressed" look in my personal projects, but it is always fun to work with new colours and techniques. You will see here, I have coloured in the edges of the book, it's a process done with an ink pad. After reading up online, I decided the best way was to use a makeup applicator sponge to soak up some ink and then run it around the edges of my book.

Eep look at my toes! The pocket came with the kit and has tags to write on. I had a couple of items I wanted to use from other projects, such as the "together" glitter title, which matched well with the colours here.

It honestly isn't as daunting as you may think, and a really great way to bundle up some photos you've been meaning to do something with.  If you have any tips or tricks to share, please share them with us!