Friday, 15 July 2011

Bring Back Mike Duco!

Breaking news: 4:43 pm EDT, Anthony Stewart says "I got the guy back ;)" (except he wrote bacj instead of back, but I knew what he meant haha)

Apparently, it appears not only have I over-estimated Greg Wyshynski's intellegence and work ethic (gasp!), I have also misplaced the blame.

Turns out my nemesis "Puck Daddy" did not start the Mike Duco slander campaign ... it was some blogger from Vancouver, who writes in the Vancouver Sun. (I love how condescending I am toward bloggers still, despite the fact that I no longer work as a real reporter.)

I just went to check my bbm and saw someone had changed their status to #passittobulis ... being that I don't check twitter 300 times per day, it appears I have missed something in the past four hours.

Mike Duco's friend and fellow NHLer, Anthony Stewart, with his quirky sense of humour, has started a Twitter campain to "Free Mike Duco."

Mike has deleted his twitter, and Anthony's prodding of #idrather .... than #passittobulis lead to Pass It To Bulis latest post which reads:

Everyone: I’ve got good news and bad news. The good news? #PassittoBulis is trending right now. Hooray! The bad news? It’s trending because Anthony Stewart blames us for Mike Duco’s Twitter account, as the above tweet indicates. He’s been slagging us all morning. My favourite one? I’d rather move to the ‘Peg than #PassittoBulis. Joke’s on him, though. If he ever gets traded to this blog, we’re gonna run him out of town.

(I'm a little disappointed that I wasn't the first one to come up with that Winnipeg one, I tweeted that at Anth right before I started this blog post haha but at least I had the sense and decency to say #LoserPeg ... and I said move BACK to #LoserPeg. Yikes!)

While I see PITB is now apologising for the controversy his post has created, I do still think he needs a geography lesson. "Duco, who grew up in Toronto and, like most Easterners ... " Umm what? Easterners wear yellow rain coats and have accents and say Lord Jesus T'underin b'y ... I haven't seen the Atlantic Ocean in about six or seven years. Not sure where this guy thinks we live, but ... I digress.

I hope when I see Michael next Tuesday, (after the Dusters beat the Swappers, of course) he tells me that he will be reinstating his Twitter :)

And maybe when Anth gets back from vacation, he'll fire me a comment for my blog ;)


ps: to the IDIOT that wrote "I would love, LOVE to see Anthony Stewart get traded to the Jets. NHL Twittergate part 2 anyone?" ... He was property of the "Jets" up until a couple weeks ago when they didn't give him a QO ... Settle down, Armchair GM.

Wednesday, 13 July 2011

Angry Birds

On Saturday afternoon, I read the news that my little buddy Mike Duco had been traded. Mike had been playing with the Rochester Amerks the past few seasons (farm club of the Florida Panthers) and his rights had been traded to the Vancouver Canucks for Sergei Shirokov.

We all know the Vancouver Canucks are coming off an extremely successful year, falling one win short of winning the Stanley Cup, and have managed to keep the team mostly-intact going into the 2011-12 season.

Thrust into the spotlight, Mike's Twitter followers went up by nearly a thousand in the span of four days -- he had about 700 followers prior to the trade, and as of Tuesday night was at more than 1,700.

That's good ... right? Wrong. Turns out, the laziest slob in sports media Greg Wyshynski over at Puck Daddy went through Mike's old tweets, as though he's some kind of genius, and found a tweet where Mike had chirped the Sedins for diving during the playoffs. I have had a long-standing dislike for Mr. Wyshynski, punctuated by him putting up a link to a story I worked VERY HARD on and pulled a quote from my story, and while he did put a link to my story, I still would preferred he done HIS OWN INTERVIEW instead of COPYING AND PASTING MY QUOTE. Lazy, lazy, lazy.

Now, apparently, he has nothing better to do than go through some kid's old tweets and make a huge deal about it? And I didn't see that he had done any kind of interview with Mike. Just slapped up a bunch of crap he made up. "But this isn't a story about Twitter; it's a story about an AHL plug, who never thought he was getting traded to the Stanley Cup runners-up, talking smack about them." Plug? Pardon me? Has this guy ever even seen Mike play? I'm willing to bet probably not.

When I saw Mike last night, I said "Hey, congrats on the big trade, very exciting!" and Mike said, "Yeah, everybody on Twitter hates me now."

Umm what? Apparently, all these armchair GMs in Vancouver are telling Michael he will be playing in the AHL next year ...

Wyshynski's post was made at Mon Jul 11 10:57am EDT ... and that's when the shit all started coming down the pipe line.

Here's a lovely selection of a couple tweets sent Mike's way since the news broke of his apparent dislike for diving ... not really sure how that makes him a douchebag OR an asshole? I've known Mike for many years, since we were both in high school, I'll say, and I've never known him to be anything other than a good hockey player and even better kid. I'm proud to say my buddy Mike is a member of the Canucks organization, and so is he.

All these gutless haters hiding behind their tweets are cowards. Calling out a new guy on your team for criticizing them when he played somewhere else? Come on.

Mike has since apologised, saying he has learned his lesson. Well, living in relative-obscurity for the last ... however long, and now all of a sudden being scrutinized for everything he does? Next thing you know, someone will be chirping him for what he likes to eat for lunch (Sushi ... Mike, doesn't Sushi have carbs in it?) and what he does in his spare time.

I'm still waiting to hear back from Mike, so I'll edit this later :) Just wanted to get it up there right away for all the haters out there chirping Mike. I'm sure they'll all start chirping me now.

Monday, 11 July 2011

Off-season Blues

My dear little reporter that wrote for me in my editing days, whom I affectionately referred to as "Skippy" tweeted today about how hockey bloggers are starting to fight amongst themselves on what number Commie is going to wear, followed by the hashtag #takeavacationguys

While August is typically the most useless month when you're a sports reporter, it's only July and this is killing me. So, this begs the question, what can I do with my off-season?

I'm not a big baseball fan, though many of my hockey friends are. My summer sport is CFL, and I'm a dedicated Edmonton Eskimos fan. The games only come on once a week, so it's not a huge commitment. Pick a team to cheer for, watch their game once a week, pretty standard. (If you're a little confused by the rules of football, it's a great opportunity to ask a boy to head to a game with you and "explain the rules" ... or go with a girlfriend and check out the tight spandex pants. Just don't look at the offensive linemen.)

I try to do pretty well every hockey-related thing that comes my way - last week, I headed to the Toronto Maple Leafs development camp where I saw some youngsters who were recent draft picks and signees, including my buddies' newest beer-league goalie, Mark "in the Park" Owuya, fresh from Sweden. Before you choke on your beer as you're reading this, it's not what you think. The Leafs didn't sign a beer-league goalie, it's the other way around. He's here playing beer league, working out and training because he's a Leafs prospect. He got his nickname from when he appeared on a Swedish talent television show similar to Canadian Idol. His rapper name is "Mark in the Park."

Which leads to my next activity -- I was always strongly against attending any type of beer league unless I was being forced due to work. This, however, is a horse of a different colour. A number of players in the league my buddies play in are professional players. The team I go watch every week has at least two AHL players and an NHL player, and other teams in the league have guys who play in the NHL, AHL, ECHL and some minor pro leagues as well as NHL prospects such as Mississauga St. Mike's Major Smith-Pelly. There are plenty of Memorial Cup rings, Royal Bank Cup rings, OHL league championship rings amongst the group and while backchecking is nearly non-existent, it's always cool to see one of the NHL boys make an awe-inspiring drop-pass to his AHL linemate who was waiting in the slot, take a shot and then have the rebound picked up for a high glove-side goal with the man-advantage.

After the games, everyone goes outside and tailgates in the parking lot ... it's like a man buffet! No joke. Eye candy everywhere. The boys are always friendly, offer a beer and are full of gossip and stories. Last week, my favourite boy asked me if I would bring some goodies next week. it's tomorrow. Eep. I thought maybe I'd bring something as one of the guys recently had a birthday and his NHL team traded him to a better team, but unfortunately that little bunny is on a strict regimine from his trainers for the summer and no cake allowed :( I may whip up something, however, since I can't resist a request for baked goods. Their team colours are black and green, so I was thinking of doing something in those colours. We'll see.

I've pretty well had it with those know-nothing tiresome American bitches at the Puck Bunny board I've been reading, so I think I'll ditch them soon. I'm also undercover at the moment in a virtual dressing room, I'm just soaking up what a bunch of hockey players talk about amongst themselves (they think I'm a boy) ... mostly training, hockey, drinking, and girls haha

Oh. And I was able to meet up with one of my HPs last week, which was always a pleasure of course. That's one thing I don't mind at all about summer -- everyone is home!

What have you been up to this off-season?